IPL (Indian Premier League) took the world by storm when it was launched and lived upto the huge expectations in its inaugural year. It changed the way cricket was played. It gave some hope to countries like Pakistan and New Zealand that their players wont join ICL now. It raked in a lot of moolah for its owners, gave fame to many unknown but talented cricketers and gave great entertainment to its viewers. This year's event was supposed to be bigger and better. But then Election Commission bowled a googly and announced the elections at same time. So after prolonged discussions and press conferences, it was decided that IPL would go global.
I dont think it was a wise decision to move the tournament out of India. Firstly, it does give the impression that BCCI and Govt. of India are of the view that India is not a safe country. During the whole controversy it never looked like BCCI and govt. were on the same side. It always seemed that they were playing a game of their own. None ready to cede any ground. Couldn't IPL have agreed to a truncated tournament in May? By May the elections in many states would have been over and there would not have been much of a problem but IPL was concerned that with a truncated tournament it would lose out on money.
Also, all along BCCI has been saying that IPL is a domestic tournament with a global reach. It is very sad that we are hosting a domestic tournament outside India. BCCI says it wants to ensure continuity and thats why they are forced to do so. Would BCCI have rescheduled Ranji trophy elsewhere if it faced such a problem? If BCCI doesn't mind going to England or South Africa to play a domestic tournament, then I am sure it should not mind going to these countries again to play home matches against opponents who are not sure about India being able to provide adequate security. After all like IPL, only 1% go to stadiums to watch them, rest watch them on television only. So, if BCCI can ensure that match timings are same as that in India there should not be a problem.
Also, BCCI is sending the wrong signals to athletes who are in two minds about participating in CWG next year in Delhi. They will ask if Indians dont feel comfortable playing in India, how can they? The event which could have proved to the world that India is a safe country to tour, an event which could have shown how we can provide secuity which brings about a smile, an event which would have cleared the doubts of all, that event is going to do just the opposite.
Hopefully, all these would not occur and teams and athletes would not cite IPL to justify their fear in coming to India. Hopefully, IPL-2 would be able to generate as much hype on the field as it has generated off the field. Hopefully, stadiums would be filled with fans even in South Africa or England to support a local Indian team.
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
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